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Keeping Up With Books On Jesus Love For Self-Discovery

Many of us love reading books of different kinds. Each one of us has a personal preference that makes us unique because of our choices. If you are looking for religious or self-help books, you can give Why God? by Eric Klein a try. It has many of the common questions about God answered with related scriptures included. All of us have asked ourselves, at least once, some form of a “why” question such as: “why do we suffer?” or what is mercy? This book not only covers the most popular “why” questions but offers a background into how the bible came to be and other people’s real life stories from when they were at “rock bottom.”

How do I read such books? Openness.
Reading with an open mind is particularly important when the subject is about God or human existence. Open-mindedness can make an impact if you allow yourself to be open to new ways, thoughts, perspectives, and opinions; the possibilities are endless. When we are reading about subjects that are foreign to us, we can only absorb what is being discussed if we give it our full attention and remain open to other possibilities. It is this advice that is necessary whether you are reading to fulfill your curiosity or for inquiring on subjects such as top questions about God.
Find a quiet place
Regardless if you choose to buy your eBook or paperback from an online store such as or right off the shelf at Barnes and Noble, you will want to read it in a quiet place. Doing so will help you to absorb every word you read without distractions. Most of us have a low attention span and require the lease amount of disturbances as possible if we are to fully enjoy and understand what we are reading. Personally, I like to find a comfy chair in my favorite room or go to my favorite coffee shop.
Ask questions to those who know
If you are confused about anything, have the courage to ask about it with your elders or peers. For example- why does god allow suffering? This is the beginning of understanding.

The books by Eric Klein delve deep into life’s predicaments. His books, Easy to Read Bible Stories and Mosesare the stories directly from the Bible but written in a simpler version specifically for children; although many adults have been known to enjoy it as well. Everyone, at some point in their life, is curious about God and his words. The example that Jesus left for us and His explicit instructions for the world would be talked about, either as the subject of controversy or in praise and honor, by billions of people for hundreds of generations to come.

Another thing to consider is with the amount of negativity growing throughout the world,  violence and injustice growing at an unbelievable rate, one may start to think is Satan real? or who is Jesus?

Watching the evil actions around the world and with the self-mentality growing closer toward an “all about me” belief, it is understandable that there are growing doubts toward people who call themselves Christians; questions such as are all Christians hypocrites? seem to be on everyone’s mind. This is because faith gets lost somewhere in the path of life and it is natural to happen when one is going through a dark road seemingly leading nowhere. It is but obvious to dive deeply rather than see just the tip of the iceberg. Hence books like Moses and Why God? exist online and in brick and mortar stores for everyone to get access to.


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