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Reading books by Eric Klein for Guidance and True Purpose of Life

This world is seeing a lot of negative incidents. The year 2020 has been giving us surprises of a different kind. With the pandemic around, protests, wars, and several other unknown individual personal problems, it is getting heavier to breathe each day. If only one believes in God and reads books related to the bibleit may change perspectives. 

One needs to believe to read or vice versa?

Unless you have full faith in God’s work and its miraculous existence, reading about it may not help. But the opposite may work too? What if you read Why God by Eric KleinWhat if you start believing in God’s miracle after reading such books? It may happen.

Many have shared stories of getting highly influenced by books they have read, movies they have watched, stories they have heard. It is after that, that their perspective had a shift. You could try it too. The only thing required is to have an open mind. Believe in all kinds of possibilities. Bible stories may be hard to digest for children and hence there are other Eric Klein books in Amazon made for children and adults. 

True guidance and purpose

Once you understand the life of Jesushis ways, Jesus’ historyand Jesus's love it may become simpler to live in this chaotic world. Knowing the true hardships of Jesus may bring the strength to live, to take actions for a better living. It may not be easy at first, but what is the hurry? Take your own time to live and breathe. 

The teachings of the Bible are superior and are much needed in today’s world. People go through dark thoughts a lot. They have questions about heaven and hell, suffering and loss, the true meaning of life, and so on. It takes over the mind many times and some do take unforeseen actions like murder or suicide. 

Knowing about Jesus’ life may help them enlighten to a new path and rewire their thoughts. 

Books and conversations

It is not just about reading books but implementing them too. Have a conversation about God if you want to. It is okay to question God. Talk to your loved ones to help ease your mind. Sometimes talking helps quite a lot more than one thinks. Silence in times of pain has never helped.


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