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The various ways of knowing about God

At some point in your life, you must have had the curiosity about people and their belief in God. There are many ways to quench your thirst for God and it can be anything- from reading easy to read bible stories to going to church. 

Church and priests

There are so many churches today in every part of the world. If you seek the knowledge of the universe, Jesus, and other aspects of God and his works, then asking a priest would be a good idea. They have a better knowledge of it all and have the capability to explain more simply if you must. 

Reading books

This may seem a very boring way for some of you as books are becoming less appealing day by day. They are time-consuming and do not buy attention as much as other mediums. But for book lovers, this is a good idea. They can read Why god by Eric Klein where most of the questions are answered simply. It is an adaptation of the Bible. The author attempts to give a pathway for those who seem stuck or lost in their life. He has written Moses and easy to read bible stories as well. Look forward to top questions about god and hopefully give you clarity of the mysteriousness of God. 

Internet (Authenticated sources)

The internet can be the best and the worst place to be. Where so much of fake news and false information is produced, it increasingly becomes untrustworthy. If you want information, then you must research for sources. 

Friends/family members

Knowledge knows no boundaries. It can come to you in unexpected ways. You may be searching outside but you didn’t know your family members could help out with it. They may have all the knowledge you need to follow. 

Whether you get information about religion or God from any source, it is up to you how you take it. You may read Christian books by Eric Klein or you may watch documentaries on such topics, but in the end, it should be a balance of both real and spiritual growth. Dependence is a lethal habit so keep a watch on yourself too. 
These are times of great crisis, and the more you seek, the more you get. Here’s hoping your curiosities never end or you find a path you are looking for.


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